Many people believe that they are being kind when they offer to share a prescription medication with someone else. That person is likely someone that they care about and someone who has a similar ailment to themselves. They believe the prescription medication can be helpful because they’ve seen how helpful it is for them.
But, even though your inclination may be that it’s fine to share medicine with someone else, it’s important to note that prescription medications are not allowed to be legally shared. Those who are caught doing this could face charges for illegal drug distribution. The law states that prescription medication can only be used by the person who holds that prescription.
Why is it set up this way?
People are sometimes surprised to find out the law works this way because it seems to infringe upon actual assistance that could be beneficial to the other person. Why not let them get the most possible benefit out of modern medicine?
The issue is that these types of medications are often controlled substances. This may be due to abuse or illegal use.
Painkillers and other narcotics are very addictive, for instance. People sometimes use these recreationally, become addicted to them, and then seek out illegal ways to obtain more drugs.
Opioids in particular have created something of an epidemic in the United States. They are responsible for an incredible amount of overdose deaths, and they can also lead to mental health conditions and other complications. This is why sharing or selling your drugs is legal, even if you believe you’re trying to help.
But your friend isn’t an addict
One common counter that people have is that the person they want to share the prescriptions with isn’t going to use them recreationally and isn’t addicted to those substances. This person just wants the very real benefits that medicine provides. And, while this perspective may be true, the laws were written with the opioid epidemic in mind, so this would still be a breach of those laws.
Of course, you may have made an innocent mistake that put you in legal trouble. Make sure you know about all of the legal defense options at your disposal.